

  • Led project to implement agent working hours, fully integrating this feature into agent scheduling and timeoff functionality.
  • Implemented realtime dashboard, allowing customers to monitor agent states at a glance with dynamic grouping and filtering options.
  • Developed reusable React components (Table, Sheet, Filter dropdowns) used widely within the rest of the product.
  • Implemented and deployed end-to-end acceptance tests with Playwright, hooked directly into CI/CD pipeline via CircleCI.
  • Developed rule-based system for auto-approval and auto-denial of timeoff requests based on customer configuration.
  • Implemented calendar-based view for users to visualize timeoff availability based on rules and existing timeoff requests.
  • Collaborated in effort to migrate entire frontend codebase to TypeScript.

Hvr - social web app

  • Developed full-stack Flutter application for moderation and user partnership management.
    • Heavily used PostgreSQL for input validation, functions and triggers for state management and shared operations and built-in JSON formatting for response output.
    • Utilized thin python layer for API, utilizing AWS Lambda and Lambda Layers to reduced compiled function size to under 500 KB, increasing performance and reducing costs.
  • Migrated client authentication system from in-house solution to full integration with AWS Cognito.

Ideal Candidate - talent intelligence system

  • Engineered architecture and strategy for transitioning monolithic machine learning application into model-based microservices, determining ideal autoscaling and deployment strategies to prevent downtime, resulting in reducing AWS costs by 20% and improving our teams ability to debug and fix issues with model performance.
  • Implemented microservice project template for existing machine learning models for use within hiring prediction pipeline.
  • Developed model caching system using AWS S3 object storage and transitioned legacy redis-based caches to new system, resulting in increased time-to-inference performance.

Thinkdata Works - data platform and cataloging solution

  • Developed NLP entity resolution system from prototype to full integration with microservice framework via RPC protocols, optimizing execution speed by 40% and increasing model accuracy by 5% on established test benchmarks.
  • Developed internal tool using Flask and RedisGraph for annotation of metadata in order to build a dataset for automatic entity detection.
  • Spoke at Toronto Machine Learning Summit Conference on behalf of Thinkdata Works, describing production and deployment issues and solutions for our entity resolution system.

© 2023 Matt Emmons